Tuesday, April 06, 2010


I don't know if they will sell copies to nonmembers, but I have an article called "Walking the Magic City" in the newest issue of Magicol, the magazine of the Magic Collectors' Association. It is about a two mile walk in downtown Chicago which covers a broad range of Chicago magic history.

Unfortunately, I only had about a week and a half to research and write the article, but it is pretty complete for the areas of the walk. One of my strengths is research. The problem is you just cannot cover everything. Anytime you turn down one street or another you automatically exclude another street which may call home an equally important site.

The most depressing thing is that most everything I write about is gone. Long gone. Most I never was able to see myself.

I still miss them.


mai-ling said...

i enjoyed your article.
it was mentioned on the genii forum.
i can imagine how much there is
to write up chicago and only cover
a hand full of places.

One thing i was happy with the first issue is that Chicago was front and center. and hopefully never forgotten.

i've had such a busy performance
schedule lately...but,
i haven't forgotten about your
question. i will get back to you
with my dad's answer. you ask
him one thing and he goes off on
a tangent.

i'm trying to get some answers
for my upcoming lecture/presentation so i will ask
the okito questionne.

ChgoMagic said...

Thanks, It was bit of a challenge.
Hope all is well. I'll see you at the Collectors' Weekend.

Unknown said...

Your article sounds fascinating! Any way for me to get a copy? I currently have a very keen interest in Magic in regards to Chicago specifically.

ChgoMagic said...


Send me a note about who you are and your email. I won't publish the comment but I can email you back and perhaps I can help you out.

The other option is to email the Magic Collectors' Assn. and see if they will sell you a copy.

