Thursday, September 18, 2008

Book Quote Me

This may be my new favorite theater story.
From Low Life, Lures and Snares of Old New York, by Luc Sante.

The subject of the story is Junius Brutus Booth. He was a renowned English actor. Father to John Wilkes Booth, Edwin Booth, and Junius Brutus Booth Jr., all celebrated actor in their own right. Walt Whitman described him as "the grandest historian of modern times."

"Booth, increasingly a drunk, was noted with hilarious approval for his insistence on really fighting the staged duels, on at least one occasion refusing to die even though his part clearly called for it."

Luc Sante’s wonderful book is a terrific view into 19th and early 20th century New York and Victorian society. I recommend it highly to any historian looking to write about that era.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Luc Sante introduced a great book about true crimes from the past: Classic Crimes. The book was written by a Scot named William Roughead, who attended the most sensational trials of his day and did extensive research into the ones he was born too late to attend. Roughead's writing style is wonderfully quirky and old fashioned, which plays nicely against the often gruesome subject matter. Sante's introductory essay is cool -- he really "gets" the author and appreciates his eccentricities. Highly recommended.